Thursday, January 21, 2010

Manditory 1/16/2010 Meeting - Thank You to Ed Hedges, Chairman LD15

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the opportunity to become a LD15 PC.

I was moved to tears as I stood to say the pledge and sing the National Anthem with so many like minded souls.

I was a first time attendee and the shear magnitude of the energy of everyone in that gathering was anchoring to my determination to do the very best I can in my quest to represent LD 15 as a Conservative!

I have met so many wonderful, passionate and caring people who feel as strongly about the direction our BELOVED COUNTRY is being directed that I feel even more grounded in my decision to be who I am and maintain my integrity to those who support me no matter what comes my way.

I owe each and everyone of my fellow PC's my loyalty and PROMISE to do the very best I can to represent our District for who we are...
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Americans!


Carol B. Condit
Candidate, LD15 House of Representatives