Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Arizona Republican Party LD15 April 21 Meeting

Social 6:30

Convene Meeting with Prayer 7:00


Treasurers report

Old Business

Voter Vault Update

Report: Maricopa County Fair: Ed Hedges

Report on County Training for LD Elected Officers

Money, Wayne Williams Account: John

Guest speaker: Sen. Thayer Verschoor, now in Communications with the State Republican party

New Business

Trips to Border: Carol Condit

Other business

Personal or political individual positive comments from group


Source: Ed Hedges, Chairman



Joe Buckley -- El Caro
Thayer Verschoor
Cindy Thomas -- Wilshire
Antoinette Lane -- Morten
Jackie Stoa -- Pierce
Gordon Stoa -- Pierce Precinct
Robert Frieling -- Cavalier Precinct
Edward Amarisca -- Stella Precinct
Greg Sheahan -- Parada Precinct
John Waughtal -- Cavalier Precinct
Joe Abate -- Country Club Precinct
Frank Rigo -- Hazlewood Precinct
Adam Rocha
Richard Mason -- Fairmount
Phil Mason -- Madison Park Precinct
Thomas Mukuha
Gode Chiri Haguma
Michael Vincent Potogrer -- Fairmount
Roger Pongratz -- Ruby Precinct
Al Jones -- Park Central Precinct
Bob Thomas -- Wilshire Precinct
Mary Kouts
Tom Kouts
Ed Hedges

Treasurer's Report (per Cindy Thomas)

Balance on hand $527.43
No expenditures have been made from the account. No reimbursements have been requested.
No deposits have been made since the previous report.


**Eulogy for Wayne Eugene Williams was shared.**