Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Seed Money

Hi There!

Hope your fall was wonderful and the holidays were joyful and safe.

You are noted to be the PC for LD15. Recently two packets were delivered to your home address for the 2010 elections candidates for LD15. The manila envelope is for Condit2010 LD15 House seat and the white envelope is for Bob Thomas LD 15 Senate seat.

We are both Conservative.

It is now time to gather petition signatures for each candidate. We only need 10 contacts per PC to qualify for Clean Elections but if you can get more that will be “icing” when the State verifies signatures. Our goal is to “Dazzle the Dems” with more signatures than we would ever need right out of the chute! You KNOW they are going to challenge our signatures!

The long signature petition sheet can be any party affiliation EXCEPT registered Democrats in LD 15. Ask that they print clearly for the State verification process.

The $5.00 donation sheets may come from ANY registered voter in LD 15, REGARDLESS of party affiliation. Please be sure to fill in the bottom.

There is a seed money request form for each candidate and this money can come from ANYONE, ANYWHERE, as long as they are an American citizen.

Please be sure to fill in the amount and sign the letter so it can be accounted for as again, we are both running Clean Elections.

If you need voter registration sheets PLEASE call me and I will get you some. LD15 gets $2.00 for each NON-Democrat voter registered. We will be actively signing up ANYONE who wants to vote in the 2010 elections. We, as defenders of our founding documents, will NEVER discriminate against a legal American citizens voter registration rights regardless of their party choice.

We have a brand new LD 15 website that will have tons of information for you too.

Here it is:

We want YOU to participate with information, photos, questions, concerns and any other information you feel we, in LD 15, need to know.

I hope you are still as excited as you were the day you assumed your PC position, I know I am. This is OUR time to be heard, and heard we will be.

Time is critical, as there are Clean Election time lines that MUST be met. We NEED your help to meet these time lines to run.

PLEASE send me your current contact information so I might keep you in the loop.

I need your e-mail, phone, current address and best contact time. I can pick up or drop off any monies or additional forms you might need.

Thank you so very much for all you do!


Caroline B Condit
Candidate LD 15 House
602.486.5067 cell
2236 E Indianola Ave 85016

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