Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Arizona Citizens Defense League - Candidate Questionnaire Responses

This is an election year. The primaries are on August 24th (early voting starts July 29th), and the general election is on November 2nd. YOUR vote is critical in determining how the Arizona legislature will look in 2011. If you want to see more laws passed that restore and protect your freedoms, like Constitutional Carry, not voting is not an option.

In July we sent a questionnaire to every known candidate for the Arizona state legislature. The questionnaire contained the following 5 questions, which we asked the candidates to answer either Yes or No.

- Law-abiding citizens have the right to carry a weapon, with or without a government issued permit, in any place that they have a right to be.

- Article 2, Section 26 of the Arizona Constitution means what it says. Our right to bear arms must not be subject to local laws.

- Trained, law-abiding adult citizens have the right to carry their weapons onto the grounds of schools, colleges and universities in order to be able to protect themselves and others from criminals.

- Law-abiding citizens have the right to defend themselves at any time or in any place they have a right to be.

- Laws that impair the right of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves should be repealed.

We explained that we feel that no one should need to beg to exercise a constitutionally protected right, and that these issues need no further debate. They could expand their answers with comments if they so desired. However, what we perceive as a Yes, but answer would be treated as a No when we shared their response. An unreturned questionnaire would result in the answers to all questions to be considered as No.

Candidate responses are reproduced here:

If you do not see a candidates name, and they were not a legislator in 2010, you may assume we did not receive a response from them and that their answer to all the questions was No!

Candidates who were legislators in the 2010 session were not required to respond to our survey since we have their voting record on bills we considered important:

Ratings and endorsements for candidates for Arizona statewide offices can be found at the AzCDL Political Action Committee (PAC) web site:

AzCDL’s PAC is a force-multiplier for your individual campaign donations. Campaign donations speak loudly to legislators seeking reelection and new candidates seeking office. No matter what the size of your donation, when combined with hundreds or thousands of others, it WILL make a difference. Please donate today:

These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Renew your membership today!

You can also follow AzCDL on Twitter:

and Facebook:

AzCDLs Political Action Committee (PAC) is also on Facebook:

AzCDL Protecting Your Freedom

Source: Arizona Citizens Defense League

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