Saturday, July 31, 2010

AZ GOP LD15 Senate Candidate Signs Now Available

Campaign signs can be delivered to homes in the district by contacting Paul, Carol or Bob.

They can also stop by if they would rather, and have a glass of ice tea on the porch.

Hot off the press!

Source: Bob Thomas, LD15 Senate Candidate


  1. What address has the best ice tea? :) Good luck, Bob, Caroline & Paul!!!

  2. While it will be IMPOSSIBLE to tell who has the best iced tea....
    know the tea will be ICE COLD!
    Signs will be being put together over the next couple days at my house and will be available to be picked up after I get off work ('bout 5PM) so feel free to come by and pick up a passel of them.

    3208 N 22nd Str
    Phx 85016
    south of Osborn on 22 Str

    I will also be taking some to the RNC as we get them put together...

    PLEASE help us by scouting homes or corners to place them.

